(312) 622-5041



Scientific research is the pillar of our health initiatives and programs. Our research team includes basic scientists, epidemiologists, community health scientists, clinicians, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, earth scientists, digital medial experts, and lawyers. At the GHBF we examine health and wellness challenges commonly faced by minority and underserved populations through a multi-disciplinary lens, which allows us to provide innovative and integral solutions.

In Chicago’s Latino communities the GHBF team, which was made up of college students and graduates led focus groups where the objective was to evaluate the impact of stress, physical activity, healthy diet and sleep on the health and wellness of community residents. Participants were unaware of how stress, physical activity, healthy diet and sleep were interconnected and above all, they were unaware of the impact on their health. Using the data collected from these studies, we organized workshops aimed at improving the quality of life of the communities involved, especially African American and Latino women.

The GHBF, in partnership with the Diabetes Empowerment Center, has carried out other focus groups in Mexican and Central American communities, because around 30% of Latinos have diabetes. This is a result of poor diet, obesity and lack of physical activity across the community. Subsequently, we held workshops with mothers and grandmothers (since they constitute the main communication channel for their communities) to educate them about the importance of healthy habits in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

The GHBF uses “Community Cased Participatory Research” methodology to facilitate the involvement of communities in the development of each of its programs. By engaging them in data collection, it not only allows for a more complete understanding of the history of the community itself, but also enables the creation of specific programs and workshops tailored to the needs of its members.