(312) 622-5041


News and Updates

  • Join us for a Jazz concert / Fun party!      

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the event has been postponed. Thank you for your understanding. Join us for the grand opening in Chicago of Vorticity, Arshid Azarine’s musical odyssey! “Vorticity” marks Arshid Azarine’s fourth album, deeply influenced by the tumultuous events in Iran and his dual passions: cardiovascular imaging research and musical composition rooted in Persian-inspired […]

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  • The Global Health Beat Foundation Team celebrates 2024’s arrival!

    This past Saturday January 6th, 2024, members of Global Health Beat Foundation’s (GHBF) Team welcomed 2024 with a very fun dancing party! The event took place in the Ibagué area (Tolima, Colombia), and counted with the assistance of the “International Collaborative La Palma” founders and directors (Jorge Beltrán and Elena Navas, our Co-Founder/CEO), Viviana Vélez […]

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  • International Academic Agreement’s Annual Meeting

    This past October 30, 2023, members ofthe international collaborative “English Program La Palma” (“Programa de Inglés La Palma”) held a working meeting which main objectives were to disseminate the findings of the joint academic initiatives accomplished over the past year (August 2022- October 2023) and strengthen the bilingual education programs based at the Institución Educativa […]

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Help us make a difference

Know Our Programs

Early Care Program

The GHBF centers on the healthcare of babies and children, helping to reduce complications that affect their health due to bad practices and habits of their mothers, before and during the gestation process.

Education and Development Program

The youth oriented GHBF education and development program centers on children between the ages of 7 and 17, with sex worker mothers, and seeks to provide them with educational opportunities that strengthen their skills and abilities.

Drug use Prevention and Reeducation Program

The goal of the GHBF with these programs is to re-educate and raise awareness among dependent adolescents and adults. The program also seeks to to strengthen the self-esteem of participants, as well as to teach emotional control

Education Program through Mass Media

The GHBF highlights that the main objective of mass media education programs is to inform disease prevention and promote the well-being of all people, regardless of education level and social status.

Learn About the Stories of Our Community Members


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Para obtener apoyo

Nuestro equipo GHBF está disponible para darle apoyo al rededor de información y educación sobre la salud.  Contáctanos con tus preguntas sobre recursos para la prevención de enfermedades.

Programa de Salud y bienestar a comunidades

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  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Duis risus ex
Solicitar asistencia integral a comunidades rurales

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis risus ex, sodales et libero non, efficitur ultrices mauris.

  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Duis risus ex
  • Duis risus ex
Pedir apoyo de un especialista

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis risus ex, sodales et libero non, efficitur ultrices mauris.

  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Duis risus ex