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GHBF reiterates its commitment to the English as a second language program “La PALMA” and its support to the school community

During the week of July 14th, GHBF team members held meetings with students, teachers, staff and school mothers of “Institución Educativa Técnica Nueva Esperanza La Palma” (IETNEP) and “Proyecto Educativo Buenos Aires” (PEBA).

These meetings included focus group discussions with the above mentioned IETNEP groups designed to learn first hand the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs around bilinguism. The information will be used to inform the design and content of the integral English as a second language program which will be tailored to the IETNEP community.

In addition, the meetings were instrumental in further establishing GHBF’s relationship with IETNEP members through social activities such as lunch with a delicious home made sancocho (Colombian style stew, with school mothers, students and staff), and a lunch/outing to the nearby water park “Playa Hawai” (with teachers).

Moreover, to further strengthen this academic collaborative and English as a second language education in Colombia, Dr. Elena Navas (our Founder and President) met with key collaborators such as PEBA (Armando Vegalara and Luis Eduardo Reyes), Jorge García (IETNEP’s Principal), Jorge Beltrán (IETNEP’s Coordinador), and Dr. Omar Mejía (Universidad del Tolima’s President).

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