+1 312 622 5041


Partners and Sponsors

GHBF is supported by different partners and sponsors who share our commitment to improve the health and socioeconomic and psychosocial conditions of disadvantaged populations. We work as a team with our sponsors. that support our cause not only through economic resources but with other supports, especially institutional, operational and infrastructure.


Ollin Technologies, is a company that produces technological solutions for education and provides us with support in the production of our educational content such as health capsules and audiovisual material, provides technical support during the foundation’s events, among others.

The International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago, is a non-profit arts organization dedicated to developing, promoting, and increasing awareness of Latino culture among ethno-culturally diverse groups in the United States,. One of their greatest contributions is the collaboration and advice on logistics, marketing, promotion and sales of our events.

Spanish Public Radio, a spanish-speaking public radio station based in Chicago, broadcasts our radio show “Café Salud y Vida”, co-produced and conducted by our founder Dra. Elena Navas.

Grupo Cuerdas Colombianas, Colombian music group based in Chicago, supports our causes by providing live musical entretainment during our events, including community-based health fairs.


We believe and value your talent. If you are a researcher, student, medical health provider, or belong to a community organization, we invite you to join our team! Together we can develop new programs around health and disease prevention!   

For more information about our opportunities “click here

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